Yulia Arnautova, Doctor of historical sciences.
The Department founded in 2011 represents the research trends developed in Russia by Aron Ya. Guervich, the founder of historical anthrolopogy, as well as by Yurii L. Bessmertny who initiated the studies of private and everyday life.
The Departement includes two centers: the Center for Historical Anthropology and the Center «History of Private and Everyday Life». The department is also a base of publication of two historical almanacs: «Odysseus. Man in History» and «Casus. Individual and unique in history».
The scientific projects of the Department of the last years were: «Individual and Society in the Middle Ages and Early modern period» (2006-2009), «Cultures and Identities in the European Society in the Middle Ages and Early modern period» (2010-2012), «Images of power in the Western Europe and Russia in the Middle Ages and the Modern Times» (2004-2006), «Narrative sources as historic and belles-lettres texts: creators-readers» (2010-2012). At present the scientific project of the Department is «The Strategies of Deception and Trust in changing sociocultural Conditions of Western Eastern Europe (Middle Ages and Modern Times» supported by RFH grant (project № 16-01-00154) for 2016-2018.
Автор/составитель: Лучицкая С.И. Издательство: Наука 2019 г. Крестоносное движение было одним из самых значительных явлений в мировой истории. И вместе с тем у нас до сих пор нет ясного и четкого ответа на вопрос о том, что же такое... Read more
11 Feb 2019
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