International symposium "The Secret Service and Religious Communities in the Soviet Union: Mechanisms of Collaboration, Survival Strategies, and Sources."

Conferences, Historia Ecclesiae et Religionis

Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Department of Modern and Contemporary History
Center for the Study of the History of Religion and the Church

International symposium

The Secret Service and Religious Communities in the Soviet Union:
Mechanisms of Collaboration, Survival Strategies, and Sources.

October 27th-28th 2021

(Organizers: Dr Alexey Beglov,  Dr Nadezhda Beliakova)

October 27th

  1. Teplyakov Alexej (Institute of History, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences). Security officers of Siberia and Ukraine of the 1920s - 1950s against Orthodox Christians and Muslims: principles of intelligence work and source base for current research.
  2. Petrov Stanislav (Institute of History, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences). Cooperation of the obnovlentsy with the GPU-OGPU in the 1920s.
  3. Savin Andrei (Institute of History, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences). Agent-operational "service" of religious organizations in the 1920s - 1930s.
  1. Skakun Roman (Institute of Church History, Ukrainian Catholic University). Agency of the NKVD-MGB-KGB in the episcopate of the Russian Orthodox Church in Ukraine (1939-1964): formation, functions, and models of behavior.
  2. Babenko Liudmila (Poltava National Pedagogical University). Features of the agent-operational activities of the NKVD - MGB among the Greek Catholics in Ukraine in the post-war decade.
  3. Moroz Vladimir (Institute of Church History, Ukrainian Catholic University). Father Nikolai Murany - "Berezovsky" - " The Owl": the Mukachevo Greek Catholic Diocese under the auspices of the Soviet secret services.
  4. Vagramenko Tatiana (University of Barcelona). In Search of the Red-Dragonists: Catacomb Orthodoxy and the True Orthodox Church in the Soviet secret police archives.
October 28th
  1. Streikus Arunas (Vilnius University). Specificity of the recruitment of Catholic priests in Lithuania: the Vatican as an object and as an obstacle.
  2. Krumina-Konkova Solveiga (Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, University of Latvia). Recruitment of KGB agents in the Roman Catholic and the Lutheran Churches in the Latvian SSR (overview and examples).
  3. Beliakova Nadezhda (Institute of World History, Russian Academy of Sciences). Women's agents in unregistered religious communities of the Evangelical Christian Baptists during the Brezhnev period: a case study of Topsi.
  1. Boldovsky Konstantin (Sankt-Petersburg Institute of History, Russian Academy of Sciences). KGB tactic to the clergy in the post-war period in the Leningrad Region.
  2. Pivovarov Nikita (Institute of World History, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian State Archive of Contemporary History). "The KGB informs ...": problems and mechanisms of cooperation of the State Security Committee with religious leaders of the USSR (based on the materials of the Central Committee of the CPSU in 1954 – 1965).
  3. Klyueva Vera (Tyumen Scientific Center, Russian Academy of Sciences). "The work on further decomposition of these groups continues": the informative value of the special messages of the KGB at the turn of the 1950s-1960s (the Tyumen region).

Concluding Discussion


15 Sep 2021

International symposium "The Secret Service and Religious Communities in the Soviet Union: Mechanisms of Collaboration, Survival Strategies, and Sources."
Start: 10:00, 27.10.2021
End: 17:00, 28.10.2021
Address: Симпозиум пройдёт в онлайн режиме

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